Episode 17 - DevOpsDays Vancouver Audio Blog

This is a short and unusual episode. Please let me know if you have feedback about it. This past weekend was the DevOpsDays Vancouver conference. I’ve been one of the Organizers for the past three years and I recorded some short audio blogs during the event about how it was going as it happened. They are cut together here.

The main content of the event is recorded and streamed live: https://www.devopsdays.org/events/2019-vancouver/livestream/

Up next 2019 JoCoCruise Management Q&A
Latest posts Episode 17 - DevOpsDays Vancouver Audio Blog 2019 JoCoCruise Management Q&A Episode 16 - Tara Theoharis (GeekyHostess.com) Episode 15 - Matt Morgan (Pax Unplugged) Episode 14 - Deb Berlin (The Role Initiative) Episode 13 - Joseph Axworthy (Shux Operations Manager) Episode 12 - Tom and Max (Cards Against Humanity) Episode 11 - Ryan Hartman (Pax) Episode 10 - Bonnie Beyea (Shux Response Team) Episode 9 - Jen DeLong (Tableau Conference) Episode 8 - Amanda Liebermann (Nan Desu Kan) Episode 7 - Jeremy Pieta, Kelly O’Neil, Chris Lange (Nan Desu Kan) Episode 6 - Kelly Shkuratoff (DevOpsDays Yvr) Episode 5 - Paul and Storm (JoCoCruise) Episode 4 - Drew Westphal (JoCoCruise) Episode 3 - Dammit Liz Episode 2 - Dan Gilbert (Play on Con) Episode 1 - Kristin Lindsay (Pax) Episode 0