Episode 17 - DevOpsDays Vancouver Audio Blog April 2, 2019 This is a short and unusual episode. Please let me know if you have feedback about it. This past weekend was the DevOpsDays Vancouver conference. 2019 JoCoCruise Management Q&A March 17, 2019 On the last day of the 2019 JoCoCruise (featured in Episode 4 and Episode 5), the show managers held a Q&A open to all attendees and below are my Episode 16 - Tara Theoharis (GeekyHostess.com) February 26, 2019 Tara Theoharis (@GeekyTara) from geekyhostess.com talks about conventions, event planning, and her cookbook, The Minecrafter’s Cookbook. Everybody Episode 15 - Matt Morgan (Pax Unplugged) February 5, 2019 An interview with Matt Morgan, Tabletop Manager at PAX Unplugged. Rodney Smith - Watch It Played Big Bad Con Big Bad Con Safety and Calibration Episode 14 - Deb Berlin (The Role Initiative) January 15, 2019 A conversation with Deb Berlin (@thebearlinwall), Vice President of The Role Initiative (@_RoleInitiative Twitter and theroleinitiative Facebook). Episode 13 - Joseph Axworthy (Shux Operations Manager) December 25, 2018 A conversation with Joseph Axworthy, the SHUX Operations Manager (ops@shux.show) SHUX Code of Conduct Episode 12 - Tom and Max (Cards Against Humanity) December 4, 2018 An interview with Tom Dyke and Max Temkin from Cards Against Humanity. tom@cardsagainsthumanity.com We touched on a ton of things that need links, Episode 11 - Ryan Hartman (Pax) November 20, 2018 An interview with Ryan Hartman, Director of Events at Penny Arcade. @RyanHartmanWins @Official_PAX PAX Unplugged PAX South Recorded during SHUX Episode 10 - Bonnie Beyea (Shux Response Team) October 25, 2018 An interview with Bonnie Beyea, Co-Manager of the Response Team at SHUX. @SkimbleCat bbeyea@gmail.com SHUX Code of Conduct Geek Girl Con Code of Episode 9 - Jen DeLong (Tableau Conference) September 25, 2018 An interview with Jen DeLong, Conference Manager of Tableau Conference. Reach out to Jen on LinkedIn or Email Episode 8 - Amanda Liebermann (Nan Desu Kan) August 28, 2018 An interview with Amanda Liebermann, Executive Director of Nan Desu Kan Episode 7 - Jeremy Pieta, Kelly O’Neil, Chris Lange (Nan Desu Kan) August 7, 2018 An interview with three of the Directors from Nan Desu Kan: Jeremy Pieta - Director of Hospitality, Director of Technology, Co-Director of Staff Episode 6 - Kelly Shkuratoff (DevOpsDays Yvr) July 17, 2018 An interview with Kelly Shkuratoff from DevOpsDays Vancouver. @kshkuratoff @devopsdaysyvr DevOpsDays YVR 2018 DevOpsDays YVR 2019 Episode 5 - Paul and Storm (JoCoCruise) June 26, 2018 Episode two of two about the JoCoCruise. https://www.jococruise.com @jococruise @paulandstorm Episode 4 - Drew Westphal (JoCoCruise) June 5, 2018 Episode one of two about the JoCoCruise. https://www.jococruise.com @jococruise Episode 3 - Dammit Liz May 15, 2018 A conversation with Dammit Liz Smith about starting in the event management space. @dammitliz https://www.dammitliz.com/ Episode 2 - Dan Gilbert (Play on Con) April 17, 2018 During the JoCo Cruise, I sat down with Dan Gilbert to learn about Play On Con. http://www.playoncon.com/ Episode 1 - Kristin Lindsay (Pax) March 20, 2018 I spent an hour at a coffee shop with PAX Staff Manager Kristin Lindsay talking about her experience growing her skills and her staff at PAX. Episode 0 February 28, 2018